Betreut von Prof. Pallagst
Abgeschlossene Promotionsvorhaben
Victoria Pinoncély | Dezember 2024 |
The Path Not Taken: applying a path dependence framework to historical urban shrinkage processes and planning institutions in Sheffield and Saint-Étienne (rapporteur, RE-CITY ITN, finished 2024, ENS, Paris).
Agnes Matoga | November 2024 |
Steering Shrinkage? Actor constellations and regeneration governance in accommodating Shrinkage (main supervisor, RE-CITY ITN, finished 2024).
Faeeza Samsodien | Juni 2023 |
Shrinking Cities in the longer term: changing patterns of urbanization and resilience following catastrophic events (main supervisor, RE-CITY ITN, finished 2023).
Mufti Ali Nasution | Juni 2023 |
Pedestrian development in the city of Banda Aceh, Indonesia (main supervisor, DAAD scholarship, finished 2023).
Fanny Augis | Januar 2023 |
Social Housing, urban shrinkage and infrastructure analysis of a social housing approach in two medium-sized shrinking cities in France, Le Creusot and Montluçon (rapporteur, RE-CITY ITN, finished 2023, University of Porto).
Norma Schemschat | 2023 |
Refugees and revitalization: Negotiating Arrival and Place-making under Conditions of Urban Shrinkage (rapporteur, RE-CITY ITN, finished 2023, ENS, Paris).
René Fleschurz | Juli 2022 |
Mitwirkung der Bevölkerung in regionalen Planungsprozessen vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels in ländlichen Räumen (main supervisor, finished 2023).
Mufti Ali Nasution | Juli 2022 |
The lost pedestrian: Identifying Determinant Factors of No-Pedestrian Phenomenon in the Area of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Banda Aceh - Indonesia (main supervisor, DAAD scholarship, finished 2023).
Bozhidar Ivanov | Juli 2022 |
Shrinking Smart: Identifying policy and planning alternatives for addressing urban shrinkage and population decline through cross-national comparative research on approaches from Spain, Germany and the Netherlands (main supervisor, RE-CITY ITN, finished 2022).
Simone Di Pietro | Juni 2022 |
Building on knowledge and innovation: the role of Green Economy in revitalising Shrinking Cities (main supervisor, RE-CITY ITN, finished 2022).
Frédérique Morel-Doridat | Dezember 2021 |
Aménagement et décroissance, vers une approche transfrontalière. (Raumplanung und Schrumpfung, auf dem Weg zu einem grenzüberschreitenden Ansatz) (co-supervisor, finished 2021, Université de Lorraine).
Ilinca Bajenaru | 2021 |
Urban identity, change and policy in shrinking cities: discourses of policy actors in Brasov, Romania (rapporteur, finished 2021, University of St Andrews, UK).
Mirco Kron | 2021 |
Die Systeme der Planung von Windenergieanlagen in Deutschland und Frankreich – ein Rechtsvergleich (co-supervisor, finished 2021).
Siba Said | Juli 2020 |
Participatory Urban Planning Approaches in the Arab Region - Case Studies: City Development Strategy (CDS) in Aleppo and Alexandria (2003-2010) (Partizipative Stadtplanungsansätze im arabischen Raum - Fallstudien: Stadtentwicklungsstrategie (CDS) in Aleppo und Alexandria (2003-2010)) (main supervisor, finished 2020).
Elke Ries | Dezember 2018 |
Mittelstädte als Zentren regionaler Entwicklung ( co-supervisor, finished 2018).
Erblin Berisha | Mai 2018 |
The evolution of spatial planning systems in the Western Balkan Region ( co-supervisor, finished 2018, Politecnico di Torino).
Niveen Ghattas | Februar 2018 |
The Formulation of a Spatial Planning Support System used for the Sustainability Attainment Assessment of the Land Use Planning Process in the Egyptian Cities (Die Erarbeitung eines raumplanerischen Unterstützungssystems für die Bewertung der Erreichung von Nachhaltigkeit im Raumplanungsprozess in ägyptischen Städten) (main supervisor, DAAD scholarship; finished 2018).
Beate Caesar | Februar 2018 |
The influence of the Trans-European Transport Networks and European Territorial Cooperation on cross-border transport (Der Einfluss der Transeuropäischen Verkehrsnetze und der Europäischen Territorialen Zusammenarbeit auf den grenzüberschreitenden Verkehr) (main supervisor, finished 2018).
Sarah Dubeaux | 2017 |
Zwischennutzungen als Planungskonzept in Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich ( co-supervisor, finished 2017, dissertation at ENS, Paris).
Ji-Young Lee | Juli 2017 |
Landschaftsplanung als Steuerungsinstrument im Urbanisierungsprozess am Beispiel der beiden Hauptstädte Seoul und Berlin ( co-supervisor, finished 2017).
Manischa Jain | 2015 |
Analyzing the effectivity of urban growth management in the National Capital Region of Delhi, India ( co-supervisor, finished 2015, dissertation at Stuttgart University).
Sebastian Schmauck | 2012 |
Regional- und Landschaftsparks als Steuerungsinstrument für Naturschutzfragen in Europa ( co-supervisor, finished 2012).
Laufende Promotionsvorhaben
Jasmin Aber | Shrinking cities, digitalization and culture-led regeneration in the USA – the case of St. Louis, Missouri (main supervisor).
M.Sc. Jonas Pauly | Environmental planning and digital twins (main supervisor)
M.Sc. Jakob Schackmar | Smart city as a revitalization approach for shrinking cities? Cases from Germanys Ruhr Area and the US Rust Belt (main supervisor).
M. Ed. Maximilian Schneider | Changes in planning cultures in view of governance in transformation spaces (main supervisor).
Marian Stumpf | Ageing and digitalization in Japan (main supervisor)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karina Pallagst
Tel:+49 (0)631 205 5155
Mail: karina.pallagst[at]
Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Braun
Tel.: 0631/205-2291
E-Mail: sabine.braun(at)