Master's theses

The Master's thesis is a written examination which should demonstrate that the candidate can independently solve a spatial planning problem using scientific methods and present the results in writing within a limited period of time.

The Master's thesis is usually completed in the 4th semester and marks the end of the Master's degree course. The results of the Master's thesis must be presented at the end of the completion period. The grading of the Master's thesis is made up of the written work and the oral presentation.

The Master's thesis can be completed in individual or group work (max. 2 people), whereby group work is only possible if the contribution of the individual authors is clearly distinguishable and assessable. The formal requirements for the Master's thesis can be found in detail in the Master's examination regulations for the Urban and Regional Development, Urban Planning and Spatial Environmental Planning degree programs.

You can find information on preparing an exposé for your Master's thesis here.

Layout and citation guidelines of the teaching and research area International Planning Systems can be found here.

Processing period: 12 weeks

Scope: about 80 pages

Final submission: Written report and presentation

Topic suggestions for Master's theses

The Department of International Planning Systems offers various topics for final theses. A list of topics can be found under the link above or can be viewed here. All topics can also be applied to countries other than those listed if you are interested and have previous knowledge.

In addition to the topics suggested by the department, we are always open to suggestions for topics that you formulate yourself.

If you are interested in writing your Master's thesis at the Department of International Planning Systems, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Karina M. Pallagst

Completed Master's theses

Below you will find an overview of the Master's theses completed in the respective year at the Department of International Planning Systems.