
Project duration

11/2010 - 11/2014

Contact person

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karina M.Pallagst, Dipl.-Ing. M.Sc. René Fleschurz

Project description

The growing interconnectedness on a European and global scale will demand a stronger exchange of economic, ecologic and social developments not only between European states but worldwide. There is still doubt about how planning models, planning systems, planning strategies and planning cultures adapt to “new” challenges that are brought about by urban shrinkage. The project PlanShrinking is aimed to bring together the discussion about planning cultures in the United States and in Germany. Studies will be based on profound and comparative research and from the perspective of shrinking cities. Hereby a change in the understanding of planning and of planning cultures can be proved in order to develop innovative methods for evaluating planning strategies related to shrinking.

Further information will be presented here.