Pre-study on the cross-border regional development concept of the Greater Region


10/2015 - 10/2016


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karina M. Pallagst,

Dipl.-Ing. M.Sc. Beate Caesar

Project description

The department IPS together with the French partners AGAPE, SCALEN (ehem. ADUAN), AGURAM und der Mission Opérationelle Transfrontalière (MOT) conducted a transversal analysis of strategic territorially relevant documents on behalf of the Luxemburgish Ministry on Sustainability and Infrastructure (MDDI) and the Greater Region Saar-Lor-Lux+. Additionally, the team developed a conclusion and recommendations for the further establishment process of the spatial development concept of the Greater Region (REK-GR).

The project consisted of three phases:

  • Analysis of approx.70 strategic planning documents of all subregions of the Greater Region to improve the understanding of the concepts and strategies that exist of both sides of the border;
  • Analysis of the first documents that were developed in the framework of the establishment of the cross-border spatial development concept of the Greater Region (REK-GR)
  • Development of proposals for the new methodology to establish the REK-GR with the focal issues demography and social issues, economic development, mobility and environment, climate &energy.

The results of the German-French consortium’s study were appreciated by the representatives of the subregions of the Greater Region and the high quality of the report was vowed as the expectations were more than fulfilled.

The final report which was validated by the Summit of the Greater Region can be downloaded here.