Dr.-Ing. René Fleschurz
Professional focus
Participation, Demographic changel, Urban shrinkage, comparative research, European spatial development
See profile on ReseachGate.net
Scientific career
Since 11/2010 Research assistant at the teaching and research area “International Planning Systems” at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern
04/2010 - 10/2010 Research assistant at the Rhineland-Palatinate energy agency EffizienzOffensive Energie Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. (EOR)
2006 – 2007 Master's degree program “European Spatial Planning and Regional Development” at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola/Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona, Sweden
2002 – 2010 Bachelor's degree in Spatial and Environmental Planning at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern
Awards, prizes and scholarships
09/2013 Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM), COST Action TU0803 Cities Regrowing Smaller, Research stay at synergo Mobilität, Politik, Raum GmbH, Zurich/Switzerland
Pallagst, Karina, Fleschurz, René and Franziska Trapp. (forthcoming). Greening the Shrinking City – New Sustainable Planning Approaches in the USA. Landscape Research.
Pallagst, Karina, Fleschurz, René and Siba Said. 2016. Right sizing the shrinking city: Tales from two German cases. South Architecture Magazine, 2016(2), S. 54-60.
Fleschurz, René, Pallagst Karina. 2015. Book Review: Design After Decline: How America Rebuilds Shrinking Cities, Journal of Planning Education and Research.
Pallagst, Karina and René Fleschurz. 2015. Shrinkage in Suburbia – The American Perspective. In Exploring the Future of Suburban Neighbourhoods under Conditions of Declining Growth, ILS – Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development (ed.), 42–54. http://www.ils-forschung.de/filespublikationen/pdfs/EBookSuburbanNeighbourhoods.pdf.
Fleschurz, René and Susanne Tschirschky. 2014. Einführung Arbeitsgruppe 3: Grenzen der räumlichen Anpassungsfähigkeit. In Nimm's sportlich - Planung als Hindernislauf: 16. Junges Forum der ARL, 29. bis 31. Mai 2013 in Kaiserslautern, Swantje Grotheer, Arne Schwöbel und Martina Stepper (ed.), 95–97. Arbeitsberichte der ARL Bd.10. Hannover: ARL.
CostAction Cities Regrowing Smaller. 2012. Urban Shrinkage and Chances for Adaption to Climate Change. Training School at Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Dessau, 17th – 21st September 2012. http://www.shrinkingcities.eu/fileadmin/Dessau/Urban_Shrinkage_and_Chances_for_Adaptation_to_Climate_Change_Final.pdf
Presentations at conferences
30.10.2015 - Regional Studies Association Early Career Conference, Sheffield/United Kingdom Presentation on “Regional public involvement and participation – strategies to adapt in shrinking rural areas”
13.09.2013 - Shrinking Cities In Europe - Final Conference of COST Action “Cities Regrowing Smaller” (CIRES), Dortmund/Germany Presentation of Training School Results on “Scenarios 2030 - Possible Futures Of Shrinking Cities In Europe”
13.07.2012 - AESOP Annual Congress 2012, Ankara/Turkey Presentation on “Possibilities And Problems Of Implementing The Informal Action Plan ‘Housing 2020’ For Future Developments In The Bonn Region - Case Study On The Administrative District Of Ahrweiler”
Workshops and Summer Schools
05.11-06.11.2015 - Workshop “Der Stadtvergleich. Instrument der Analyse und Praxis der Wissensgenerierung“, Leipzig/Germany
Presentation on „Die Nutzung internationaler Best Practices zur Entwicklung von Untersuchungsparametern und deren Anwendung im räumlichen Vergleich“
09.09.-14.09.2013 - Training School, COST Action TU0803 Cities Regrowing Smaller, Dortmund/Germany “Scenarios 2030 - Possible Futures Of Shrinking Cities In Europe”
17.09.-21.09.2012 - Training School, COST Action TU0803 Cities Regrowing Smaller, Dessau-Roßlau/Germany “Urban Shrinkage and Chances for Adaptation to Climate Change”
06.07.-09.07.2012 - AESOP PhD Workshop, Izmir, Turkey
Presentation on “Participatory Planning in Major Projects of Structural Adaptation - The Importance and Potential of Citizen Involvement on Regional Level”
Business Card

Dr.-Ing. René Fleschurz
Department of International Planning Systems
Pfaffenbergstraße 95
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (0)631 205 5186