Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Karina M. Pallagst
Professional focus
Comparative urban and regional development, shrinking cities in the international context, planning in the USA, European spatial development, planning culture and growth management.
Also see profiles on Google Scholar, Researchgate.net and Academia.edu
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Scientific career
Since 2023 Dean of the Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning
2020-2023 Speaker of the University research center ‘Region and City’
Since 2017 Vice dean of the Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning
Since 1.7.2010 University professor for International Planning Systems at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
2006 – 2010 Program Director at the Center for Global Metropolitan Studies at University of California, Berkeley
2006 Habilitation in the field Urban and Regional Development at the Faculty of forest, geo and hydro sciences, University of Dresden
2004 –2005 Visiting Professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning San José State University
2002 – 2004 Fedor-Lynen-Scholar of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation, Bonn, to carry out a research stay in the USA
2001 – 2010 Visiting Scholar and project coordinator at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD) at the University of California Berkeley
1999 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
1997 – 2006 Research fellow and project coordinator at the Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development (IOER), Dresden (2001 – 2006 furloughs to stay abroad)
1994 – 1997 Research fellowat the department of regional planning (Regional- and Landesplanung) at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
1988 – 1994 study in spatial and environmental planning at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Awards and distinctions
2024 Best Conference Paper Award (Honorary Mention) for the paper “Planning cultures in exchange - evidence derived from a cross-border simulation game” as part of the AESOP Congress 2024 in Paris
2020 Distinguished Teaching Award of the TU Kaiserslautern, special award for self-learning
European Research Council (ERC)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
National Science Foundation of the USA
Fulbright Commission
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Swiss national Science Foundation
Hamburg Science Foundation
For peer-reviewed journals and publishing houses:
Town Planning Review, European Planning Studies, Planning Practice and Research, Journal of Urban Affairs, DISP, Landscape and Urban Planning, Cities, Journal of Urban Design, Sustainability, Planning Practice and Research, Urban Affairs Review, Journal of Landscape Architecture, Habitat International, Urban Studies, Environment and Planning A, Landscape and Urban Planning, Journal of Urban Design, Routledge, Berkeley Press, Edward Elgar Publishers
Committee work and departments
Since 2024 Deputy Equal Opportunity Officer of RPTU
Since 2024 Council member of the Network for the promotion of young scientists
Since 2023 Senate member of the RPRU
Since 2021 Ambassador for start ups and entrepreneurship of TUK
Since 2019 Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Sustainability, Section ‚Sustainable Urban and Rural Development‘
Since 2019 Board member of the Alumni Association „Raum- und Umweltplanung in Kaiserslautern"
2017-2019 Deputy spokesperson of the Research Unit Transformation and Digitalization of Region and City
Since 2013 Member oft he Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinland-Pfalz/Hessen/Saarland of the Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibnitz-Gemeinschaft (ARL)
2013-2017 Chairwoman of the Best Published Paper Prize Committee of AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning)
Since 2016 Steering committee member of the Center for Border Studies of the University of the Greater Region (UniGR-CBS)
Since 2013 Member of the Council of Representatives of AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning)
2010-2013 Member of the Management Committee of EU COST Action Cities Regrowing Smaller
Since 2010-2020 Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Town Planning Review
Since 2006 Management Board Member of the Shrinking Cities International Research Network (SCiRN)
2002 - 2005 Track Co-chair on the topic „Transnational spatial planning“, on occasion of several congresses of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)in conjunction with Andreas Faludi
1995 - 1997 Executive secretary of the German-Czech-Slovak Association of the Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL), Hanover
Member organisations
(alphabetical order)
Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL)
Alumni-Vereinigung „Raum- und Umweltplanung in Kaiserslautern"
Association of American Geographers (AAG)
Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung e.V. (DASL)
Landesgruppe Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland der Deutschen Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung e.V. (DASL)
Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
Deutscher Verband für angewandte Geographie (DVAG)
Informationskreis für Raumplanung e. V. (IfR)
Current publications
Pallagst, K. (2024): Planungssysteme und Planungskulturen im Grenzraum; in: Gohde, CH; Mayer, Ch. (Hrsg.): Planung - Umwelt – Recht: Festschrift für Willy Spannowsky zum 65. Geburtstag, Verlag C.H. Beck: München, 71-84.
Pallagst, K.; Aber, J.; Fleschurz, R. (2024): Long COVID City? Innenstadtentwicklung von San Francisco im Krisenmodus; in: Dominik Frankenberg et al (Hrsg.) Finanz- und Haushaltspolitik im Krisenmodus – Kommunen als Garanten der öffentlichen Daseinsvorsorge im Bundesstaat; Festschrift zu Ehren von Martin Junkernheinrich; Schriften zur öffentlichen Verwaltung und öffentlichen Wirtschaft, Band 261, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin 353-368.
Pallagst, K.; Blaser, B. (2024): Eine thematische Planungskultur der Borderlands? - Erste Erkenntnisse zur Entwicklung der Theorie zu Planungskulturen; in: Bonin, S. et al (Hrsg.) (2024): Linking Borderlands: Komplexität – Dynamik – Interdisziplinarität; Serie Border Studies. Cultures, spaces, borders Vol. 10, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden., 47-57.
Karina Pallagst, Jonas Pauly, Marian Stumpf (2024): Conceptualising Smart Cities in the Japanese Planning Culture; Real Corp Proceedings
Vargas-Hernández, J. G., Pallagst, K. & Zdunek-Wielgołaska, J. (2023). Chapter 8. Urban Green Spaces as a Component of an Ecosystem. Pages 165-198. In: Dhiman, S. (eds) Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28885-2_8
Jonas Pauly, Karina M. Pallagst (2023): The Potentials of Digital Tools to Contribute to Spatial Transformations – the Example of the Digital Twin of the City of Helsinki; Real Corp proceedings; www.corp.at/archive/CORP2023_148.pdf
Karina Pallagst, Benjamin Blaser, Kirsten Mangels, Nino Pfundstein (2023): Planning Borderlands: Conceptualizing Territorial Development in Cross-Border Regions; in: Bembnista, K. et al (Hrsg.): UniGR-CBS Working Paper Vol. 17 Linking Borderlands: Dynamics of Cross-Border Peripheries Conceptual and empirical insights from an interdisciplinary perspective; 48-56.
Mangels, K.; Pfundstein, N.; Pallagst, K.; Blaser, B. (2023): Planning Borderlands: Investigative approaches to spatial development in border areas and first findings from the Brandenburg-Polish borderland UniGR-CBS BorderObs.
Chhavi Arya, Nina Müller, Karina Pallagst, Martin Berchtold (2022): New Forms of Urban Data and their Potential for Municipal Decision Making; Real Corp proceedings; www.corp.at/archive/CORP2022_47.pdf
Karina Pallagst, K.; Heß, S.; Liggesmeyer, P. (2022): Smarte Räume - Anwendungsfelder der Digitalisierung am Beispiel Smart Rural Areas; in: RaumPlanung Vol.2017 Issue 2/3 2022, 8-14
José G. Vargas-Hernández; J.; Pallagst, K.; Davalos, J. (2022) Analysis of the Contribution of Urban Innovation Ecosystems to Environmental Sustainability; in: International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development (IJSESD)13(1); DOI: 10.4018/IJSESD.295973
Pallagst, K; Hartz, A; Caesar, B. (2022): Border Futures – Cross-border cooperation in the territory of the Hesse/Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland Regional Working Group; in: in: Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A.; Caesar, B. (Eds.); BORDER FUTURES – ZUKUNFT GRENZE – AVENIR FRONTIÈRE - The future viability of cross-border cooperation, Arbeitsberichte der ARL 33, Hannover; 7-15
Caesar, B; Pallagst, K. (2022): Development paths for cross-border cooperation and the status quo; in: in: Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A.; Caesar, B. (Eds.); BORDER FUTURES – ZUKUNFT GRENZE – AVENIR FRONTIÈRE - The future viability of cross-border cooperation, Arbeitsberichte der ARL 33, Hannover; 16-32
Pallagst, K; Dörrenbächer, P; Weith, Th. (2022): Theories of cross-border cooperation: Explanatory approaches from European integration, regionalism and governance; in: in: Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A.; Caesar, B. (Eds.); BORDER FUTURES – ZUKUNFT GRENZE – AVENIR FRONTIÈRE - The future viability of cross-border cooperation, Arbeitsberichte der ARL 33, Hannover; 33-45
Pallagst, K; Hartz, A. (2022): Spatial planning in border regions: A balancing act between new guiding principles and old planning traditions? in: in: Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A.; Caesar, B. (Eds.); BORDER FUTURES – ZUKUNFT GRENZE – AVENIR FRONTIÈRE - The future viability of cross-border cooperation, Arbeitsberichte der ARL 33, Hannover; 77-95
Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A.; Caesar, B. (2022): Outlook: Border Futures – On the path to a sustainable future for the borderRegions; in: in: Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A.; Caesar, B. (Eds.); BORDER FUTURES – ZUKUNFT GRENZE – AVENIR FRONTIÈRE - The future viability of cross-border cooperation, Arbeitsberichte der ARL 33, Hannover; 358-367
Pallagst, K. (2022) Selected cross-border forms of cooperation and INTERREG funding in Europe; in: Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A.; Caesar, B. (Eds.); BORDER FUTURES – ZUKUNFT GRENZE – AVENIR FRONTIÈRE - The future viability of cross-border cooperation, Arbeitsberichte der ARL 33, Hannover 375-383
Vargas-Hernández, G.; Pallagst, K. (2022): Implications of Sustainability, Socio-Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services; in: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Research Anthology on Ecosystem Conservation and Preserving Biodiversity; IGI Global, Hershey/PA; 1314-1335.
Lippert. A; Pallagst, K.; Hammer, P. (2022): Revitalization of brownfields in shrinking cities exemplified by the urban farm in Dessau. A green innovation area as a part of the BMBF project GIAGEM; Revitalización de campos baldíos en ciudades en reducción ejemplificada por la granja urbana en Dessau. Un área de innovación verde como parte del proyecto BMBF GIAGEM; in Ra Ximhai 18(3): 85-123. doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.03.2022.04.al
Müller, I.; Pallagst, K. Hammer, P. (2022): Revitalization of inner-city brownfields through urban gardening exemplified by the Kölner Neuland e.V. in Germany; Revitalización de terrenos baldíos del centro de la ciudad a través de la jardinería urbana. Ejemplificado por el Kölner Neuland e.V. en Alemania; in: Ra Ximhai 18(3): 165-196.
Dehof, L.; Pallagst, K.; Hammer, P. (2022): Urban green as a formative element in cities – urban development by the use of “green urban labs” using the example of Bochum-Riemke. El verde urbano como elemento definitorio en las ciudades – Desarrollo urbano a través de “green urban labs” utilizando el ejemplo de Bochum-Riemke en Alemania in: Ra Ximhai 18(3): 217-248. doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.03.2022.09.ld
Pauly, J.; Pallagst, K. (2022): Green infrastructure in Mexico City – recommendations to improve air quality and climate conditions; Infraestructura verde en la Ciudad de México – recomendaciones para mejorar la calidad del aire y las condiciones climáticas; in: Ra Ximhai 18(3): 267-301.
Pallagst, K.; Fleschurz, R.; Uemura, T. (2021) Comparing Planning Cultures in Shrinking Cities Across the USA, Germany, and Japan: Perspectives From Urban Planning on the Refiguration of Spaces and Cross-Cultural Comparison; in: FQS – Forum Qualitative Social Research; Vol. 22 No. 3 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-22.3.3793
Schackmar, J; Fleschurz, R.; Pallagst, K. (2021) The Role of Substitute Industries for Revitalizing Shrinking Cities; in: Sustainability, 13(16), 9250; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13169250.
Pallagst, K; Fleschurz, R.; Nothof, S.; Uemura, T. (2021) Shrinking cities - implications for planning cultures? In: Urban Studies 58(1); Online first December 17, 2019; 164-181; https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098019885549
José G. Vargas-Hernández, Karina Pallagst (2020): Urban Green Innovation: Public Interest, Territory Democratization and Industrial Design. In. International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies Available online
Vargas-Hernández, G.; Pallagst, K.; Zdunek-Wielgołaska, J. (2020): Implications of Urban Sustainability, Socio-ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services; in: Luís Farinha, Domingos-Santos, João-J.; Ferreira, M.-R. (Eds.) (2020): Regional Helix Ecosystems and Sustainable Growth – The Interaction of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer; Series Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics; Springer, Cham, 85-106.
Bechtold, J., Caesar, B.; Christmann, N.; Evrard, E.; Hamez, G.; Heinen, S. ; Marsal, F. ; Pallagst, K.; Reichert-Schick, A.; Teller, J. (2020): Les défis d’un aménagement transfrontalier du territoire dans la Grande Région : Pistes de recherche, in: Hamez, G.; Defays, J.-M. (Hrsg): Réalités, perceptions et représentations des frontières l’espace transfrontalier de la Grande Région Sare-Lor-Lux; EME Éditions, Louvain-la-Neuve, 159-182.
Karina Pallagst (2020): Cultures d’aménagement et villes en décroissance: Vers des recherches appliqués dans les régions transfrontalières; in: in: Hamez, G. ; Defays, J.-M. (Hrsg): Réalités, perceptions et représentations des frontières l’espace transfrontalier de la Grande Région Sare-Lor-Lux; EME Éditions, Louvain-la-Neuve, 183-198.
Pallagst, K; Fleschurz, R.; Nothof, S.; Uemura, T. (forthcoming) Shrinking cities - implications for planning cultures? In: Urban Studies; Online first (December 17, 2019); https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098019885549
Pallagst, K.; Vargas-Hernándes, J.; Hammer, P. (2019) Green Innovation Areas – en route to sustainability for shrinking cities? in Sustainability, Special issue shrinking cities and sustainability, 11(23), 6674; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11236674
Vargas-Hernández, J.; Pallagst, K. (2919) Urban Green Innovation: Public Interest, Territory Democratization and Institutional Design; in: International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies (IJESGT) 11(1), 57-73, DOI:10.4018/IJESGT.2020010104.
Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (Eds.) (2019): The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities. Fondo Editorial Universitario, Guadalajara. ISBN: 978-84-17840-17-4
Pallagst, K.; Fernandez-Agueda, B.; Mulligan, H. (guest editors) (2019) Shrinking cities and sustainable urban development; special issue for Sustainability
Vargas-Hernández, J.; Pallagst, K. (2019). Implications of Urban Sustainability, Socio-Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services; in: Rathoure, A. K.; Chauhan, P. B. (Eds.) Current State and Future Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity. Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies (AEEGT) Book Series; IGI Global; Hershey, PA. 31-53.
Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (Eds.) (2019): GIAGEM Handbook of recommendations - The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities.
Pallagst, K. (2019) From Urban shrinkage to urban qualities? In: Journal of Urban Design vol. 24 issue 1, 68-70.
Pallagst, K.; Vargas-Hernández, J.; Hammer, P. (Eds.) (2019): GIAGEM Manual de recomendaciones - El rol de las Areas Verdes de Innovacíon en la Revitalizacíon de las Ciudades Alemanas y Mexicanas.
Pallagst, K.; Fleschurz, R.; Förch S. (2019): Shrinking cities evolving from abandonment to urban qualities? Challenges for planning and urban design in: Loukaitou-Sideris, A; Banerjee, T. (Eds): The New Companion to Urban Design, Routledge, 242-25
Pallagst, K. (2019): Planungssysteme, in Handbuch der Stadt- und Raumordnung, ARL. https://shop.arl-net.de/handwoerterbuch-stadt-raumentwicklung.html
Pallagst, K.; G. Vargas Hernández, J.; Hammer, P. (2019): Introduction. Green Innovation Areas in: Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (Eds.) (2019): The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities. Fondo Editorial Universitario, Guadalajara, 5-10.
Karina Pallagst, Patricia Hammer (2019): Ruhr Area: City of Essen; in: Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (Eds.) (2019): The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities. Fondo Editorial Universitario, Guadalajara, 13-21.
Pallagst, K; Hartz, A; Caesar, B. (Hrsg.) (2018) Border Futures – Zukunft Grenze – Avenir Frontière. Zukunftsfähigkeit grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit“ abgeschlossen; Arbeitsberichte der ARL, Heft 20. Hannover.
José G. Vargas Hernandez; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2018): Strategy of sustainable development based on bio-economy. In. Revista Iberoamericana de Bioeconomía y Cambio Climático ISSN 2410-7980 Vol. 4, núm 7 (2018)
Vargas-Hernández, J.; Zdunek-Wielgołaska, J.; Pallagst, K. (2018): The Role of Urban Green Spaces in the Transformation of Community Ecosystem in Developing Countries; in: Benna, U. (Ed.) Optimizing Regional Development Through Transformative Urbanization, 204-224.
Vargas-Hernández J.G., Pallagst K., Zdunek-Wielgołaska J. (2018) Urban Green Spaces as a Component of an Ecosystem. In: Dhiman S., Marques J. (eds) Handbook of Engaged Sustainability. Springer, Cham
Vargas-Hernández, J., Pallagst, K.; Hammer, P. (2018): Bio-Economy at the Crossroads of Sustainable Development; in: Dhiman S., Marques J. (Eds.) Handbook of Engaged Sustainability; Springer, Cham.
Vargas-Hernández J.G., Pallagst K., Hammer P. (2018) Strategic Management Innovation of Urban Green Spaces for Sustainable Community Development. In: Dhiman S., Marques J. (eds) Handbook of Engaged Sustainability. Springer, Cham.
Pallagst, K. (2018) Smart Growth – Nachhaltige Steuerung der Siedlungsflächenentwicklung in der San Francisco Bay Area; in: von Hauff, M; Nguyen, Th (Eds.) Fortschritte in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. Nomos, Baden-Baden, 89-123
Vargas-Hernandez, J; Pallagst, K.; Hammer, P. (2018) Strategic Management Innovation of Urban Green Spaces for Sustainable Community Development. In: Dhiman S., Marques J. (eds) Handbook of Engaged Sustainability. Springer, Cham Publisher Name Springer, Cham. Online ISBN 978-3-319-53121-2.
Karina Pallagst, René Fleschurz, Svenja Nothof, Tetsuji Uemura (2018) PlanShrinking² – Trajectories of planning cultures in shrinking cities: the cases Cleveland/USA, Bochum/Germany, and Nagasaki/Japan IPS Working Paper 2018 No. 1.
Pallagst, K. (2018) Ausgewählte grenzüberschreitende Kooperationsformen und die INTERREG-Förderung in Europa; in: Pallagst, K; Hartz, A; Caesar, B. (Hrsg.) (2018) Border Futures – Zukunft Grenze – Avenir Frontière. Zukunftsfähigkeit grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit“ abgeschlossen; Arbeitsberichte der ARL, Heft 20. Hannover, 353-361.
Pallagst, K.; Caesar B.; Hartz, A. (2018) Einleitung: Border Futures - Ansatzpunkte für eine Weiterentwicklung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit im Gebiet der LAG Rheinland-Pfalz/ Hessen/ Saarland; in: Pallagst, K; Hartz, A; Caesar, B. (Hrsg.) (2018) Border Futures – Zukunft Grenze – Avenir Frontière. Zukunftsfähigkeit grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit“ abgeschlossen; Arbeitsberichte der ARL, Heft 20. Hannover. 4-11.
Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A.; Caesar B. (2018) Ausblick: Border Futures - Auf dem Weg zur Zukunftsfähigkeit von Grenzregionen; in: Pallagst, K; Hartz, A; Caesar, B. (Hrsg.) (2018) Border Futures – Zukunft Grenze – Avenir Frontière. Zukunftsfähigkeit grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit“ abgeschlossen; Arbeitsberichte der ARL, Heft 20. Hannover. 338-346.
Pallagst, K.; Caesar B. (2018) Entwicklungspfade der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit und Status quo; in: Pallagst, K; Hartz, A; Caesar, B. (Hrsg.) (2018) Border Futures – Zukunft Grenze – Avenir Frontière. Zukunftsfähigkeit grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit“ abgeschlossen; Arbeitsberichte der ARL, Heft 20. Hannover. 12-27.
Pallagst, K.; Dörrenbächer, P.; Weith, Th. (2018); Grenzüberschreitende Kooperation theoretisch: Erklärungsansätze aus europäischer Integration, Regionalismus und Governance in: Pallagst, K; Hartz, A; Caesar, B. (Hrsg.) (2018) Border Futures – Zukunft Grenze – Avenir Frontière. Zukunftsfähigkeit grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit“ abgeschlossen; Arbeitsberichte der ARL, Heft 20. Hannover. 28-40.
Pallagst, K.; Hartz, A. (2018) Raumplanung in Grenzregionen: Gratwanderung zwischen neuen Leitbildern und alten Planungstraditionen?; in: Pallagst, K; Hartz, A; Caesar, B. (Hrsg.) (2018) Border Futures – Zukunft Grenze – Avenir Frontière. Zukunftsfähigkeit grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit“ abgeschlossen; Arbeitsberichte der ARL, Heft 20. Hannover. 70.87.
Vargas-Hernández, J. G., Pallagst, K. and Hammer, P. (2017). Bio economy’s institutional and policy framework for the sustainable development of nature´s ecosystems. Economía Coyuntural, Revista de temas de perspectivas y coyuntura, 2017, vol. 2, issue 3, 51-104
Pallagst, K., Fleschurz, R, Trapp, F. (2017) Greening the Shrinking City–New Sustainable Planning Approaches in the USA; in: Landscape research; special issue on Shrinking cities - expanding landscapes, Vol. 82-6, 1-12.
Pallagst, K. (2017) Substitute industries - panacea or false hope for shrinking cities? in DISP The planning review, 53 (2) 2017, 82-83
Pallagst, K.; Cunningham-Sabot, E; Mulligan, H.; Fol, S (2017): The shrinking city awakens - Introduction to the special issue on shrinking cities; Town Planning Review. Vol. 88-1, 9-14
Pallagst, K.; Fleschurz, R.; Said, S. (2017) What drives planning in a shrinking city? Tales from two German and two American cases; in: Town Planning Review, Special issue on shrinking cities. Vol. 88-1, S. 15-28
Karina Pallagst, José Vargas-Hernández, Patricia Hammer: Green innovation areas as contested spaces? Investigating potentials and risks of revitalization schemes in shrinking cities; AESOP Congress Lisbon Book of Abstracts, 2017.
Karina Pallagst: Rethinking planning cultures: from evidence-based research to conceptual implications; AESOP Congress Lisbon Book of Abstracts, 2017.
Pallagst, K. Vargas-Hernandez, J, Hammer, P (2017) URBAN GREEN SPACES AS A COMPONENT OF AN ECOSYSTEM: FUNCTIONS, SERVICES, USERS, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT, INITIATIVES AND ACTIONS; in: Mohamad el Shimy (Ed.): Economics of Variable Renewable Sources for Electric Energy Production, Lambert Academic Publishing, S. 444-500
Pallagst, K.; Fleschurz, R.; Asaaied, S.: (2016) 适当收缩规模的城市: 两个德国城市的案例/
Right sizing the shrinking city: Tales from two German cases; in: South Architecture
Magazine; Special Issue on Industrial Heritage, 54-60. DOI10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2016.02.000
Spraul, K; Pallagst, K.; Jungbauer, P. (2016): Nachhaltige Stadtplanung und Steuerung der Flächennutzung – Die Green-Belt-Politik in Schottland und Lerneffekte für die deutsche kommunale Planung; in: Der moderne Staat, 2/2016, 299-323
Pallagst, K.; Fleschurz, R. 2015: Shrinkage in Suburbia - the American Perspective; in ILS (Hrsg): Exploring the Future of Suburban Neighbourhoods under Conditions of Declining Growth, 42-54. E-publication.
Fleschurz, R. Pallagst, K. (2015): A Review of “Design After Decline: How America Rebuilds Shrinking Cities”, in: Journal of Planning Education and Research, first published on November 19, 2015 as doi:10.1177/0739456X15616436
Jain, M.; Pallagst, K. 2015: Land use beyond control: How fragmented governance created sprawl in the Delhi Metropolitan Area; in: DISP. Vol. 51, Issue 3, 29-43 DOI:10.1080/02513625.2015.1093349
Business Card

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Karina M. Pallagst
Department International Planning Systems
Pfaffenbergstraße 95
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (0)631 205 5155
Office hours by appointment:
Building 3, room 125