M.Sc. Jakob Schackmar

Professional Focus

Planning in the Global South (country focus on South Africa & China); structural weakness, urban shrinkage & revitalization approaches; digitalization and smart city; regional development (e.g. specialist planning for flood protection, cross-border planning in the Saar-Lor-Lux region), etc.


Scientific career

Since 04/2019 Doctoral program “Spatial and Environmental Planning” at the RPTU Kaiserslautern- Landau

Since 02/2018 Research assistant at the Department of International Planning Systems, Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

10/2015 – 02/2018 Master's degree in Urban and Regional Development at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern

10/2011 – 01/2016 Bachelor's degree in Spatial and Environmental Planning at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern


Awards, prizes and scholarships

08-10/2021 DAAD short-term scholarship for doctoral students in the USA (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service)

05/2019 Prize of the Alumni Association for Spatial and Environmental Planning 2018: Award for the outstanding Master's thesis


Membership in associations 

AAG - American Association of Geographers  

Alumni-Vereinigung Raum- und Umweltplanung in Kaiserslautern

ISOCARP - International Society of City and Regional Planners 

Forum Nachwuchs der ARL - Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft 



Schackmar, Jakob. 2022. "Smart cities as a substitute industry revitalisation approach to shrinking cities in Germany?". In: Handbook on Shrinking Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. ISBN: 978 1 83910 7030. 381-394.

Schackmar, Jakob; Fleschurz, René und Pallagst, Karina. 2021. "The Role of Substitute Industries for Revitalizing Shrinking Cities". In: Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 16 (August-2 2021).

Jakob Schackmar. 2020. „Smart Cities – a New Revitalisation Approach for Shrinking Cities?”. In: Reviewed Conference Paper: REAL CORP 2020 Aachen- Proceedings.

Jakob Schackmar, Patricia Hammer. 2019. “Region Saarland: City of Völklingen”. In: Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (Eds.). 2019: The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities. Fondo Editorial Universitario, Guadalajara, 38-47.

Jakob Schackmar, Patricia Hammer. 2019. “Bio-Economy and best-practice examples of Green Innovation Areas. Food sector Fresh GmbH in Völklingen: Aquaculture”. In: Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (Eds.). 2019: The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities. Fondo Editorial Universitario, Guadalajara, 120-130. 

Schackmar, Jakob. 2018.“Substitute industries and economic change as a chance for cities to become more sustainable- A case study examination of the City of Völklingen, Germany”. In: Congress Paper: ISOCARP Congress Bodø 2018.

Schackmar, Jakob; Fleschurz, René und Pallagst, Karina. 2018. „The Role of Substitute Industries for Revitalizing Shrinking Cities”. In: Conference Paper: IGU Conference 2018, Moskau.

Pallagst, K; Vargas-Hérnandez, J; Hammer, P; Said, S; Schackmar, J 2017. Green Innovation Areas and sustainable planning approaches as drivers for urban and regional development? In. PlanIt Vol 1/2017 ISSN (online) 2198-4514

Schackmar, Jakob. 2016. "22 Years of Post-Apartheid Urban Change in South Africa. Done enough? Analysis of the Development of the South African Community of Mdantsane." In: Pallagst (Hrsg.). 2016. 'PlanIt!' Global South- Urban development in aspiring economies. VOL. 1/2016. Kaiserslautern. 

Schackmar, Jakob. 2016. "22 years of Post-Apartheid Urban Change in South Africa. Done enough?" In: Congress Paper: ISOCARP Congress Durban 2016.


(Guest-) Lectures and presentations

14.06.2024: IPSC 2024 - Die smarte schrumpfende Stadt? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Smart-City-Stadtentwicklungsstrategien zur Revitalisierung strukturschwacher und schrumpfender Städte

21.11.2023: University of Cincinnati, School of Planning -  Regional Planning (in Germany)- a resilient approach for the USA?

13.02.2023: DOKORP 2023 - Structural transformation through alternative smart city approaches in the USA and Germany

01.07.2022: ARL-Congress 2022 - Künftig alles SMART?: The smart shrinking city? Possibilities and limitations of smart and digital approaches for revitalizing shrinking cities

03.06.2021: 27th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES) 2021, Vortrag in der Session: Urban and Regional Analysis; mit Karina Pallagst und René Fleschurz: „Strategies for Revitalizing Shrinking Cities“.

07.04.2021: American Association of Geographers(AAG) 2021 Annual Meeting, Vortrag in der Session: Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinking cities: “Smart Cities - A new topic for shrinking city research”.

16.09.2020: Real Corp 2020, Vortrag in der Session Real Smart Cities: “Smart Cities – a New Revitalisation Approach for Shrinking Cities?”.

02.10.2018: ISOCARP Congress Bodø 2018, Vortrag in der Session Climate-Proof Cities: Planning for Weather, Water, Food and Energy zu “Substitute industries and economic change as a chance for cities to become more sustainable- A case study examination of the City of Völklingen, Germany”.

06.06.2018: IGU Conference 2018 Moskau, Vortrag zu „The Role of Substitute Industries for Revitalizing Shrinking Cities". 

19.09.2017: GIAGEM Workshop 2017 Kaiserslautern, Vortrag zu „GIAGEM criteria grid- classification and assessment of case study projects“.

15.09.2016: ISOCARP Congress Durban 2016, Vortrag in der Session Transforming human settlements zu “22 years of post-apartheid urban change in South Africa. Done enough?”.


Implementation of and participation in workshops

12.-13.09.2019: Simulation game on the topic: “Borders and Planning Cultures” by the “Spatial Planning” working group of the Center for Border Studies of the University of the Greater Region, in Otzenhausen.

27.-30.09.2018: Young Planning Professionals Workshop 2018 in Bodø, Norway: “COOL AND CONNECTED Planning Bodø through Urban Flows- The Case study of Den arktiske ånd”.

19.04.2018: GIAGEM Workshop 2018 in Guadalajara, Mexico: „GIAGEM- International Student Workshop: Connecting Urban Planning to Marketing".

14.-21.04.2018: GIAGEM Workshop 2018 in Guadalajara, Mexico: „GIAGEM- The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities“.

18.-22.09.2017: GIAGEM Workshop 2017 in Kaiserslautern: „GIAGEM- The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities“.

08.-11.09.2016: Young Planning Professionals Workshop 2016 in Durban, South Africa: “ A study of RURBANISATION: Folweni Valley, Durban”.

Business Card

M.Sc. Jakob Schackmar

Department of International Planning Systems

Pfaffenbergstraße 95
Room 03-124
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 (0)631 205 5156
