Dipl.-Ing. Patricia Hammer

Professional focus

EU project development and management, ERDF, INTERREG, Horizon 2020

Mexico / bioeconomy / transport safety / EU spatial planning

See profiles on Linkedin, Xing, ResearchGate


Scientific career

2016 - : Research assistant at the Department of International Planning Systems, Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning, TU Kaiserslautern.

Horizon 2020 Projekt RE-CITY ITN


3-month research stay at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico) as part of the BMBF project GIAGEM.

May 2018 - December 2018: Project assistance in French in the IAC Berlin project “Promouvoir le dialogue citoyen et la gouvernance locale participative - Morocco” of the Robert Bosch Stiftung

August 2014 – 31. December 2015: Project Officer SaarLorLux, Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Business and Transfer   

April 2010 – 31. June 2013: Project manager (INTERREG IVB Projekt Central Europe Space) of the EU Project SOL “Save Our Lives. A Comprehensive Road Safety Strategy for Central Europe”.
Also lecturer, WS 2010/11: Seminar “GEO 35 - Spatial and Environmental Planning”, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Institute of Geography, working group Human Geography & Development Research Group (HuGe)

May 2009 – 30. June 2009: Freelance „European Green Capital 2011", Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Abteilung für EU- und Bundesangelegenheiten

January 2009 – 30. June 2009: Research assistant, HafenCity University Hamburg, Department of Urban Planning and Regional Development

April 2008 – 31 December 2008: Scientific project assistant, University of Luxembourg, Unité de recherche IPSE (Identités. Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces), Laboratoire de Géographie et d’Aménagement du territoire

October 2001 – January 2008: Studied Spatial Planning: Diploma in Spatial Planning (Dipl.-Ing.).  Diploma thesis: “Territorial cohesion in Germany from a French perspective”, Faculty of Spatial Planning, Technical University of Dortmund


Trainee positions:

10.2007-03.2008 Luxembourg, Coordination Unit of the European Observation Unit (ESPON CU)

11.2004-02.2005 Brussels/Strasbourg, Member of the European Parliament


Awards, prizes and scholarships

20.09.2015 – 27.09.2015: Egon-Bahr Fellowship (Deutschland), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

25.09.2014 – 5.10.2014: Egon-Bahr Fellowship (Russland), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

2009: Deutsch-französischer Zukunftsdialog, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. (DGAP), Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri), Robert Bosch Stiftung.

2008: ARL-FRU Mentoring Programm, Akademie für Raumordnung und Landesplanung (ARL), Förderkreis für Raum- und Umweltforschung e.V. (FRU), HafenCity Universität Hamburg



  • Antonia Lippert, Karina Pallagst, Patricia Hammer (2022): Revitatlization of brownfields in shrinking cities, exemplified by the urban farm in Dessau a Green Innovation Area as part of the BMBF project GIAGEM. In. RA XIMHAI - publication semestral de ciencias sociales
  • Isabel Müller, Karina Pallagst, Patricia Hammer (2022): Revitalization of the inner-city brownfields through urban gardening expemplified by the Kölner Neuland e.V. in Germany. In. RA XIMHAI - publication semestral de ciencias sociales
  • Lena Dehof, Karina Pallagst, Patricia Hammer (2022): Urban Green as a formative element in cities - urban development by the use of "Green Urban Labs" using the example of Bochum Riemke. In. RA XIMHAI - publication semestral de ciencias sociales
  • Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (2019): Green Innovation Areas - En route to sustainability for Shrinking Cities. In. Sustainability2019, 11(23), 6674. DOWNLOAD pdf
  • Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (2019): GIAGEM Handbook of recommendations - The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities (available in English and Spanish) DOWNLOAD Handbook of recommendations in English
  • Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernández; Patricia Hammer (2019): GIAGEM Manual de recomendaciones - El rol de las Areas Verdes de Innovacíon en la Revitalizacíon de las Ciudades Alemanas y Mexicanas DOWNLOAD espagnolDOWNLOAD Manual de recomendaciones
  • Karina Pallagst; José Vargas-Hernándes; Patricia Hammer (Editors): The Role of Green Innovation Areas in Revitalizing German and Mexican Cities. Fondo Editorial Universitario Carrer La Murta 9-18. ISBN: 978-84-17840-17-4 Download pdf
  • José Vargas-Hernándes; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2018): Urban green spaces as a component of an ecosystem functions, services, users, community involvement, initiatives and actions. In International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, 8 (1)
  • José Vargas-Hernández; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2018): Desenvolvimento econômico ambientalmente sustentável baseado em Bioeconomia. In Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis
  • José G. Vargas-Hernández; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2018): Bioeconomía en la encrucijada del desarrollo sostenible. Revista Iberoamericana de Bioeconomia y Cambio Climatico. Vol. 4, Num. 7 (2018)
  • José G. Vargas-Hernández; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2018): Bio-economy at the Crossroads of Sustainable Development. In: Dhiman S., Marques J. (eds) Handbook of Engaged Sustainability. Springer, Cham
  • José G. Vargas-Hernández; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2018): Strategic Management Innovation of Urban Green Spaces for Sustainable Community Development. In: Dhiman S., Marques J. (eds) Handbook of Engaged Sustainability. Springer, Cham Publisher Name Springer, Cham. Online ISBN 978-3-319-53121-2 DO
  • José G. Vargas Hernandez; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2018): Strategy of sustainable development based on bio-economy. In. Revista Iberoamericana de Bioeconomía y Cambio Climático. ISSN 2410-7980 Vol. 4 núm. 7 (2018)
  • Karina Pallagst et al. (2017): Green Innovation Areas and sustainable planning approaches as drivers for urban and regional development? In. PlanIt Vol 1/2017 ISSN (online) 2198-4514
  • José G. Vargas Hernandez; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2017): Urban green spaces as a component of an ecosystem: Functions, services, users, community involvement, initiatives and actions. In. Economics of Variables Renewable Sources for Electric Power Production. Mohamed El-Shimy (Ed.). Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-330-08361-5
  • Vargas-Hernández, J. G., Pallagst, K and Hammer, P. (2017): Bio economy's institutional and policy framework for the sustainable development of nature's ecosystems. In. Economìa Coyuntural, Revista de temas de perpectivas y coyuntura, 2017, vol. 2, issue 3, 51-104
  • Karina Pallagst, José Vargas-Hernández, Patricia Hammer: Green innovation areas as contested spaces? Investigating potentials and risks of revitalization schemes in shrinking cities; AESOP Congress Book of Abstracts, 2017
  • José G. Vargas Hernandez; Karina Pallagst; Patricia Hammer (2017): Urban green spaces as a component of an ecosystem: Functions, services, users, community involvement, initiatives and actions. In. Economics of Variables Renewable Sources for Electric Power Production. Mohamed El-Shimy (Ed.). Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-330-08361-5
  • Donner, Noemi; Hammer, Patricia. 2015. Ab zum Nachbarn! Arbeitswelt Luxemburg. In: Rundschau der HS Kaiserslautern 3/2015, 42-43.
  • McMahon, Kate; Hammer, Patricia; Milotti, Alberto. 2013.The SOL road safety guidelines: Advice for Experts, Stakeholders and Decision makers.
  • Hammer, Patricia; Rothfuss, Rainer, Machatta, Klaus. 2013. Road Safety in Central Europe: Recommendations for Policy Makers and Practitioners. In: The Parliament Magazine.
  • Rothfuss, Rainer; Hammer, Patricia; Elsig, Kathleen; Mayser, Katherina. 2012. Innovative road safety approaches. Transnational networking for local action. In: Cities for Mobility Newsletter Jg. 6, H. 3/12., 7-8.
  • Rothfuss, Rainer; Hammer, Patricia; Elsig, Kathleen. 2012. Communities in Central Europe take steps to improve road safety. In: Regional Review Magazine, Oktober 2012, 78-79.
  • Mikusova, Miroslava; Rothfuss, Rainer; Hammer, Patricia. 2012. SOL good practice examples. In: ZBORNIK PRISPEVKOV A POSTEROV. Universität Zilina (Hrsg.) ISBN 978-80-554-0512-4
  • Hammer, Patricia. 2011. Towards a sustainable transnational cooperation for mutual learning in the field of road safety: Recommendation for the exchange of tacit knowledge to the region of Warmia Mazury (Poland). online Publikation, Webseite vom Netzwerk 2H2S.
  • Hammer, Patricia; Lion, Georges-Henri. 2010. Bilinguale Publikation/ Policy Brief (Deutsch/ Französisch). Antwort auf die Krise: Eine deutsch-französische Umweltpolitik. In: Frankreich Themen 2010. Nomos Verlag. – La réponse de la France et de l’Allemagne à la crise: une politique environnementale commune. In: Radioscopies de l’Allemagne 2010. IFRI (ed.).
  • Hammer, Patricia. 2008. The Symbolic Function of Metropolitan Areas – A Set of Indicators for Planners “. N°721 auf der CD “conference papers” des Kongress ACSP-AESOP Fourth Joint Congress „Bridging the divide; celebrating the city“, University of Illinois at Chicago - ACSP und AESOP (Hrsg.), Chicago.
  • Hammer, Patricia et al. 2005. Bilinguale Publikation (Deutsch/ Spanisch). F02 2003/2003 Aysén bricht auf. Perspektiven für den Anfang der Welt. Nachhaltiger Tourismus im Süden Chiles – Aisén emprende la marcha. Perspectivas para el principio del mundo. Turismo sostenible en el sur de Chile.” In: SPRING Working Papers No. 23. Dortmund.

Business Card

Dipl.-Ing. Patricia Hammer

Department of International Planning Systems

Pfaffenbergstraße 95
Room 03-111
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 (0)631 205 4017
E-mail: patricia.hammer(at)ru.uni-kl.de