Bachelor project 2014

Comparative Analysis of a German „Flächennutzungsplan“ and a French „Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale” within the Eurodistrict SaarMoselle to facilitate future planning across-borders

Duration: 23rd April – 16th July, 2014 (12 weeks)

Participants: 7 students

Tutors: Karina Pallagst, Willy Spannowsky, Beate Caesar und Christoph Mayer

Language: German, literature and interviews partly in French 

The Eurodistrict SaarMoselle is a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) with German and French members. The aim of this grouping is to strengthen the common border area and to rise to common challenges more effectively.

Some German and French members of the Eurodistrict plan to establish a common municipal cross-border planning organization in the coming years.

On the German side a potential member of this planning organization is the “Regionalverband Saarbrücken” who is responsible for the land-use and landscape planning for 10 cities and municipalities, amongst others the city Saarbrücken. On the French side, two organizations responsible for land-use planning are interested: The “Arrondissement Sarreguemines” and the “Val de Roselle”.


The aim of the Bachelor project was to compare the existing land-use plans of both sides of the border: the German “Flächennutzungsplan” of the “Regionalverband Saarbrücken” and the “Schéma de cohérence territoriale” of the “Arrondissement Sarreguemines”. The comparison is seen as a basis for the establishment of the common municipal planning organization. Additionally, the planning systems of Germany and France were compared and recommendations for an improved cross-border cooperation and planning within the Eurodistrict SaarMoselle were developed.

Because of the currentness of the research topic the Bachelor project contributed to the long-term development of the planning organization across borders to be established within the Eurodistrict SaarMoselle.

The project was conducted in close coordination with the “Planungsverband Saarbrücken”. As a part of the project the students went on two field trips to Saarbrücken. An ERASMUS-exchange student from France participated in the project and contributed additional language competency. His participation additionally fostered an intercultural exchange within the project group.