Prof. Maria do Carmo de Albuquerque Braga
Thematic focus
Role and development of universities in the international context
Duration of stay
September - November 2017
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco / Brasilien
Fengbao Liu
Thematic focus
Fengbao Liu’s research will review the research on shrinking cities in Germany and China, and carry out comparative urban shrinkage research between Germany Ruhr and Northeast China. First, this research will quantify and identify the phenomenon of urban shrinkage from different dimensions based on the population and DMSP/OLS night light data, and different spatial scales including the prefecture scale and county scale.
Duration of stay
Mai 2017 - Juni 2017
Department of Urban Planning and Design
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
Nanjing University
P.R. China
Prof. Vragas Hernandes, Hugo Gonzales, Juán Jose Altamirano
Thematic focus
Green innovations areas und bio-ecomic usages
Duration of stay
September - October 2017
Universidad de Guadalajara / Mexico
Prof. Vragas Hernandes
Dipl. Arch., M.Sc. Ilinca Bajenaru
Thematic focus
International planning in the globalizing context: planning for rapid urbanization in developing countries, poverty reduction and development, provision of affordable housing, the role of international co-operation and aid/ Urban and regional shrinkage: strategic responses, governance, provision of public services / Socio-spatial segregation and displacements / Creative and mega-project based urban development strategies.
Duration of stay
February - August 2013
+49 (0) 15145338781
Prof. Mariana Braga Alves
Thematic focus
In July 2017, the architect and urban planner Mariana Braga Alves, professor in the Civil Engineering programme of the Autarquia do Ensino Superior de Garanhuns-PE / Brasil, visited the department. She discussed with professor Karina Pallagst the possibilities of establishing basic study programmes of spatial planning in Brasil.
Duration of stay
July 2017
Autariquia do Ensino Superior de Geranhuns-PE / Brasil
Dr. M. Arch. Giancarlo Cotella
Thematic focus
Comparative spatial planning research, EU territorial governance, European spatial planning, Europeanization of spatial planning, Planning cultures, Territorial cooperation | Macro-regional strategies, Spatial planning and territorial governance in Central and Eastern European.
Duration of stay
November 2011 - December 2012
+39 3384673925 (IT)
Prof. Dr. Teresa Salazar Echeagaray
Thematic focus
Teresa Salazar’s research will highlight the case of Lomas del mar de Piaxtla, San Ignacio for the analysis of the implementation of bioeconomy in different spaces for the collection of rainwater for domestic use.
Duration of stay
June 2017
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Mazatlán/Mexiko