Semester abroad within the European Union (Erasmus+)

Spending a semester abroad in Europe with the Erasmus+ programme

Semesters abroad in Europe usually take place via the Erasmus+ programme. It offers Bachelor's and Master's students the opportunity to spend one or two semesters abroad in Europe.

The most important facts about Erasmus+

  • Payment of tuition fees at the foreign university
  • Financial support for students  
  • Recognition of academic achievements abroad based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Here you can find an overview of existing co-operations with partner universities and the number of places available to you, as well as further information in the brochure.

Overview of partner universities and places

Erasmus brochure

The most important information document if you would like to spend a semester abroad with Erasmus+ at the Faculty Spatial and Environmental Planning: Our Erasmus Guide

Here you will find tips and suggestions on how to spend a semester abroad at one of our partner universities, from the application to the language, from the recognition of examination results to financing: Erasmus Guide

06 November 2024Erasmus+ information event
15 December 2024

Deadline for registration on the list of applicants for Erasmus+ places (via the ERASMUS FB RU OLAT course)

31 January 2025Application deadline with registration and upload of all application documents to Mobility Online (please note the information from the Department of International Affairs)
February 2025Selection and announcement of the Erasmus+ scholarship holders of the Faculty Spatial and Environmental Planning
from March 2025Official registration at the foreign university (the exact date depends on the respective foreign university)

from approx.
September 2025
or approx.
February 2026

Start of the Erasmus+ programme

Participating in an exchange as a free mover can be an alternative funding option to the Erasmus+ programme

If you are planning to study at a European university with which the Faculty Spatial and Environmental Planning does not have an agreement, or if all places have already been allocated, you have the option of applying from another subject area, i.e. via another department (e.g. Architecture).


  • There are still places available at the other faculty .
  • The subject coordinator of the other department is willing to arrange free movers at the partner university.
  • DThe chosen partner university accepts (non-subject) free movers.

Important note: in Spain, up to 50% of free mover applicants are rejected.

Students who do not want to or cannot complete their studies abroad within one of the university exchange programmes (no existing cooperation, no free place) can organise their stay at a university of their choice themselves.

Funding options

Funding options include the Auslands-Bafög (including a grant of up to 4,600 euros towards tuition fees) and the DAAD's annual scholarship programmes. You will have to pay tuition fees at the foreign university yourself.

Planning and application

Planning should begin at least 1.5 years in advance so that no application deadlines with potential scholarship providers are missed. You can apply to any foreign university.


  • Look for information on the homepage of the university of your choice (keywords can be: "Study Abroad", "Non-degree seeking students" or "occasional students")


  • contact the "International Office" of your university of choice.

Note: In countries where universities are financed by tuition fees, the chances are good (e.g. Australia, USA, Canada, UK). But even in countries such as France, Spain and Italy, demand is worthwhile despite rather low tuition fees. the Faculty Spatial and Environmental Planning

Overview map of our Erasmus+ partner universities


International Coordinator Faculty Spatial and Environmental Planning

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Karina M. Pallagst 
Building 3, Room 125 
tel: +49 (0)631 205 5155 
email: karina.pallagst(at)



Erasmus+ Outgoing

M.A. Cornelia Noll
Departement of International Affairs
Building 47, Room 626
tel: +49 (0)631 205 4914
email: cornelia.noll(at)

Erasmus+ Coordinator Faculty Spatial and Environmental Planning

Dr.-Ing. Beate Caesar
Building 3, Room 124
tel.: +49 (0)631 205 5156
email: beate.caesar(at)

Studying abroad outside the EU, DAAD, Erasmus+ Incoming

Departement of International Affairs
Building 47, Room 626
tel: +49 (0)631 205 4370
email: incomings-exchange-kl(at)