Incoming - Information for International Exchange Students
Information for International Exchange Students
Welcome to our information page for students coming to the Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning at RPTU as part of an exchange program with one of our partner universities! We appreciate your interest and will be happy to help and advise you wherever we can.
Reports of experience from exchange students at the Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning
To get a better overview about studying at the Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning at the TU Kaiserslautern beneath you can find reports of experiences of students that did their Erasmus+ exchange at our faculty in Kaiserslautern.
Before the Mobility
For this, please see the general information on applying to study abroad at RPTU University Kaiserslautern-Landau. Please find this information at the Department of International Affairs.
Courses in English
If you would like to take courses in English at our faculty, we expect you to have advanced English language skills (at least B1 or equivalent). The following list shows the courses we offer in English: Courses in English
Courses in German
If you would like to take courses in German at our faculty, we expect you to have advanced German language skills (at least B1 or equivalent). In this case, the entire course catalog is available: Course catalog KIS
Please take note of our information on using the KIS course catalog.
Before the start of your stay, you must complete a Learning Agreement and select the courses you wish to take during your stay in Kaiserslautern. Information about the courses you can choose at the faculty and enter in your Learning Agreement can be found above in the course offer section.
Please pay attention to the language requirements when selecting courses!
During the Mobility
One week before the lectures start an Welcome-Meeting for International Exchange Students will be held at the faculty. You will be provided with more information about studying at the faculty and your Learning Agreement will be discussed and can be adjusted. It is very important that you participate in this meeting.
You can participate directly in most courses without any registration. Please insert the courses you want to choose already in your Learning Agreement so that the lecturers can be informed in advance.
If a compulsory registration is needed, you find this information in the Course Register. (Manual to use the Course Register)
If you want to take an exam, please fill out the form and e-mail it to the responsible person from the examination office.
Plese note the information sheet on exam registration.
Courses attended that you have successfully completed with an examination are listed on the Transcript of Records. The Transcript of Records is a document that provides an overview of the academic achievements you have passed and serves as official proof of this. Once the results of all examinations have been announced and are available to the Examinations Office, this document can be requested there.
You'll receive the most important informations on your studies at the faculty in the information booklet for incoming students.

..., through other programs or as a free mover for a semester abroad at the Faculty of Spatial and Environmental Planning -
We look forward to welcoming you!

67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

International Coordinator Faculty Spatial and Environmental Planning

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Karina M. Pallagst
Building 3, Room 125
tel: +49 (0)631 205 5155
email: karina.pallagst(at)
Erasmus+ Outgoing

M.A. Cornelia Noll
Departement of International Affairs
Building 47, Room 626
tel: +49 (0)631 205 4914
email: cornelia.noll(at)
Erasmus+ Coordinator Faculty Spatial and Environmental Planning

Dr.-Ing. Beate Caesar
Building 3, Room 124
tel.: +49 (0)631 205 5156
email: beate.caesar(at)
Studying abroad outside the EU, DAAD, Erasmus+ Incoming
Departement of International Affairs
Building 47, Room 626
tel: +49 (0)631 205 4370
email: incomings-exchange-kl(at)